
An internship is a chance for you to earn college credit while gaining valuable, 实际工作经验. Anywhere from 1 to 12 credits of internship can be earned during a semester, 总共有18人可以申请CSC的学位. Internship can be done in almost any academic department and can be used as elective and/or upper-division credits. 一些院系提供研究生实习学分. Internship credits cost the same amount as any other course credits and will be displayed on your college transcript.


有几个原因:通过获得实践经验, 你对职业有了更好的了解, 哪些可以帮助你选择学术/学位课程.

有实际的工作经验可以帮助你找工作. Interns develop employment contacts and references and have an advantage as job seekers upon graduation. CSC毕业生在毕业后的秋季接受调查, and 61% of those who report they are employed also report having done an internship. Well over half of those graduates believe that their internship experience contributed a lot or quite a bit toward their employment status.


You must be able to work 50 hours for every credit hour you are pursuing. “Assignments” include; setting goals or Learning Outcomes, 保持每周活动日志, 回答反思性问题, 编写期末作品集——其中包括一篇反思论文. Your internship will be graded by the Faculty Coordinator assigned to your school, but all your assignments are to be submitted to Career and Academic Planning Services.

All HPER internships must be approved and completed through the HPER Department


形式 may be obtained from Career and Academic Planning Services in the Library, 或者你也可以自己访问和下载表格.







It is an opportunity for your students and/or advisees to apply their classroom knowledge in a real work setting and earn credits toward their degree. Students can be enrolled in any department the direction of which is determined by the type of credits the student needs and/or the type of work the student is doing. 


A student who is interested in an internship should contact Career and Academic Planning Services to start preliminary paperwork, 最好是在实习前一个学期. Students must have completed 30 hours of credit, maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA, and secure the approval of their Academic Advisor via a signed form from the Internship & 就业服务办事处.


Students are encouraged to consider where they would like to do their internship prior to visiting with Career and Academic Planning Services personnel. 虽然网站在我们的网页上有广告, we are happy to work with a student to develop a site that is appropriate for them or relevant to their interest and/or coursework. Academic Advisors are also encouraged to suggest potential sites, which Internship & Career Services personnel will gladly assist the student in pursuing.

*Internship credit can be earned at a student's place of employment ONLY if they can demonstrate new learning that is above and beyond their current job description. Employees of Chadron State College may not earn internship credit on the job. Students will not be approved to do an internship under a faculty member (Independent Study is the more appropriate course in this instance).


要获得学分,学生必须证明自己学到了新的东西. This is done by establishing learning outcomes –one for each credit hour attempted. 学习成果由实习生批准和监督 & 就业服务人员和实习地点主管, 经常听取学术顾问的意见. 另外, 学生每修一个学分必须学习50个小时, 什么会记录在签名的周记上.

完成规定的工作时间后, students compile a Final Portfolio which includes a reflective paper and is assessed by the Faculty Coordinator for the academic school in which the student is enrolled. Said Faculty Coordinator will assign a grade based on contents of the Final Portfolio, 学生现场主管的书面评估, and any input received from Career and Academic Planning Services personnel.


Chadron State College joins approximately 1200 universities and colleges across the nation in offering an internship program. Statistics show that approximately 60 percent of the students who do internships are offered permanent employment by their internship supervisors upon graduation. 因此,实习机会是额外的, 学生教育过程中的重要因素.

Following please find basic employer information regarding the CSC popular program:


  • Students must complete 30 credit hours before starting an internship position. (大二状态)
  • Students must complete the necessary application process and obtain approval from their academic supervisor and the Internship & 就业服务办公室.


  • Students are asked to write learning outcomes in collaboration with their faculty and internship supervisor.
  • 实习主管负责入职培训, 培训, 安全指令, 以及公司政策和程序的概述.
  • 实习导师将被要求在实习表上签字 & Career Services Training Agreement prior to the start of the internship.
  • The internship supervisor will be asked to complete a one-page midterm and final evaluation of the student’s performance on a form provided. In addition, the student will ask the supervisor to sign the weekly activity journals.
  • 学生们可以获得工作报酬, 具体数额由雇主和学生协商. 实习不要求报酬 & 就业服务办公室.


  • Interns are an excellent source of highly motivated pre-professionals.
  • Professional release time is generated for permanent staff by assigning consuming essential tasks to the intern.
  • Supervisors have an observation period without long-term employment commitments.
  • Supervisors receive an enhanced company understanding of the educational process.

The Career and Academic Planning staff will provide assistance and guidance as needed throughout the internship experience.